Torcular dural sinus malformations: prenatal diagnosis by MRI and review of prognostic factors. About a case


  • Ana Vaca Barrios Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Madrid
  • Manuel Recio Rodríguez Hospital Universitario QuirónSalud, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
  • Alejandro Díaz Moreno Hospital Universitario QuirónSalud, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
  • Julia López Alcolea Hospital Universitario QuirónSalud, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
  • Luis Miguel Guadalupe González



Magnetic resonance imaging, Central nervous system vascular malformations, Thrombosis


Dural venous malformation is a rare fetal cerebrovascular involvement, but represents the most frequently diagnosed cerebral thrombotic event during fetal life. We present the evolution of a case of dural venous malformation with thrombosis through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
controls from prenatal to postnatal period, which proves its complete spontaneous resolution. It is essential to recognize this entity and its prognostic factors, since it describes the possibility of spontaneous resolution with conservative management, as shown in the case documented here.


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How to Cite

Vaca Barrios, A.; Recio Rodríguez, M.; Díaz Moreno, A.; López Alcolea, J.; Guadalupe González, L. M. Torcular Dural Sinus Malformations: Prenatal Diagnosis by MRI and Review of Prognostic Factors. About a Case. Rev. colomb. radiol. 2023, 34, 5952-5955.



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