Foreign Bodies of Atypical Presentation: Case Reports


  • Federico Guillermo Lubinus Badillo Clínica Carlos Ardila Lülle. Bucaramanga
  • Carlos A. Rey Clínica Carlos Ardila Lülle. Bucaramanga
  • Luis Andrés López Martínez Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
  • Erick Daniel Villarreal Ibáñez Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
  • Silvia Nathalia Vera Campos Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga



Foreign bodies, Multidetector computed tomography, Radiology


Objective: To show cases of foreign bodies of unconventional presentation diagnosed incidentally by various types of imaging studies in patients who did not refer and neither complained of a foreign body. Material and Methods: images from the archive of the radiology and diagnostic images service department were obtain from patients diagnosed of having a foreign body without a history related to this diagnosis. Results: Four clinical cases of patients of different ages are reported in whom foreign body was incidentally found in different anatomical locations and different imaging studies such as radiography and computed tomography. Conclusions: The nature of foreign bodies is diverse, being mainly of organic origin (dry wood). The clinical presentation will depend on the size, location and composition of the foreign body. The diagnosis can present several issues because they can present radiographic densities similar to the surrounding tissues. Computed tomography is the study of choice presenting limitations in the detection of foreign bodies of organic origin. In some cases only surgical exploration allows diagnosis and treatment.


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How to Cite

Lubinus Badillo, F. G. .; Rey, C. A. .; López Martínez, L. A. .; Villarreal Ibáñez, E. D. .; Vera Campos, S. N. . Foreign Bodies of Atypical Presentation: Case Reports. Rev. colomb. radiol. 2019, 30, 5109-5202.



Case series analysis
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