Interrupted Aortic Arch with Down’s Syndrome: A Case Report with Radiological Review


  • Óscar Andrés Parada Duarte Universidad de Pamplona
  • María Fernanda Oviedo Lara Universidad de Pamplona
  • Andrés Mora Cáceres Universidad de Santander



Aorta, thoracic, Down syndrome, Computed tomography angiography, Heart defects, congenital


Introduction: Interrupted Aortic Arch (IAA) is an obstructive anomaly, with a rare frequency of isolated presentation in the general population, being different when it presents concomitance with other cardiac anomalies and / or genetic syndromes such as DiGeorge Syndrome and Down Syndrome. Case report: The case of a newborn with facies characteristic of Down Syndrome, diagnosed with Interrupted Aortic Arch type A, is presented through computed tomography angiography. Discussion: Three types of Interrupted Aortic Arch (IAA) have been described so far, in which a persistent arterial ductus that allows continuity between the pulmonary artery and the descending aorta has been identified as a common feature. There are no reports of diagnostic algorithm for the detection of this pathology, but it has been studied using 2D echocardiography, computed tomography angiography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Its definitive treatment is surgical. Conclusion: A case report of the interruption of the aortic arch is presented with a comprehensive review of the literature that correlates with radiological images, to cause an impact on the generation of knowledge of said pathology, which allows for a timely diagnosis, strengthens our medical behavior. and leads to better management of medical resources.


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How to Cite

Parada Duarte, Óscar A. .; Oviedo Lara, M. F. .; Mora Cáceres, A. . Interrupted Aortic Arch With Down’s Syndrome: A Case Report With Radiological Review. Rev. colomb. radiol. 2019, 30, 5245-5248.



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